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Welcome To Algebra 2!

This year is going to be extraordinarily exciting, and we are eager to begin working with the tenth and eleventh graders.  We will be doing so many exciting things this year. We will be trying to integrate more technology both inside and outside the classroom. We will be implementing the new Common Core curriculum. At the end of the class students will be able to recognize mathematics in the world around them even if it is mathematics they will not be using in their future careers. This is a fresh start for everyone. We don’t care about their prior math experiences; we will make them more confident and successful.

This site includes resources to consult when students are having difficulty. Major assignments will be posted such as projects and packets. Homework is posted every night and homework solutions weekly. Announcements about other programs or events will also be on this website. My course letter and curriculum map are posted as well. Feel free to peruse at your leisure. It is going to be a wonderful year!
-Dr.Jaffe & Ms. Wen